Friday, November 30, 2007

Eigth Assignment

Dear Head Manager,

I've been working with this company for two years now. Recently I've been promoted to processing manager of the night shift. I feel that the treatment I receive from co-workers and other managers is unfair. I try my hardest to put on a good face and get along with everyone, as well as manage the place as a whole when I need to by pointing our employees in the right direction in their line of work. Still, I get told off and disrespected, even by those who have only been here for a short period of time. I understand when I first started, that any in appropriate language and actions were dealt with accordingly by you, and I feel that employees now just aren't being handled the same way I was at the time.
Also, I've tried numerous times to make you aware of my schedule and how I need some changes with my hours. I am the only manager forced to work an eight hour shift at night, leaving me less then six hours to sleep to then wake up and come back for another eight hours in the morning and so on for the entire week. I would consider myself a very hard worker, and would like to be given the same priveleges as other managers here.

Sincerely ,

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