Sunday, December 2, 2007

Bad Friendships..

I've broken up with a bad friend lately as well. It's funny how some of us spend every waking moment till the time we go to bed with the same person everyday. Before you know it you start finishing each others sentences in odd ways, and saying the same phrases. Yet, I knew it was impossible to become so close with a person in such a short period of time, because she was fake. I'm not going to lie, but this girl was a complete idiot with no friends and I finally realized why. Throughout our entire friendship she would talk bad about me behind my back to anyone she could start a conversation with, including people at the job we went to together. I'm not one to get involved in drama, or even care for that matter, but it's terrible to think of how nice I treated her; not because I felt like I had to or felt bad, but because it was the "right thing to do." I included her in everything, introduced her to all my friends, and for what? .. to get stabbed in the back. Since I've broken off our friendship, I totally agree that a million pounds got lifted off of my shoulders, and I love it.

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